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p. 3.
Sat. was cloudy & rainy - but Sunday was beautiful. We spent the day at camp. The foliage was at it's peak & the sky was clear & had a fall [[tang?]] in it. [[Roselin?]] runs the Shining Room - for the whole Divinity School. Mrs. Wilson's address is 99 [[Brattle?]] St. & I suppose that is the address of the Divinity Hall also. If you get lonesome some evening you might look her up. She is a fine, clean woman. Her father - Mr. - [[Sayward?]] - founded the Christian Endeavor Society for young folks in Portland, Maine. 
Nephew Charlie Hubbard is getting acclimated in college also. His address is Queen's Univ. Kingston, Ontario, Canada. You will find it a bit difficult at first - getting used to a new & complicated routine. I know you won't neglect your studies - but study your instructors also. See what they are driving at. What  their methods are - & what they expect from you in return - & give that back to them to the best of your ability. At Harvard - class work counted very little - classes were so large - & exams [[nearly?]] everything. It took me a couple of years to really get on to their approach & method. Had only one small class - 16 - with Prof. Clarence Henry Haring in Latin American History. Got my best mark in that - because he knew me as an individual - & could follow my interest & efforts in the subject. 20 years ago - in 1926 I won a letter in [[soccer?]] at Harvard. Capt. of [[?]] Team &