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to Strut - after waltzing around for quite awhile she found out that he liked me better than he did her. She was ripping and taking it out on me. As if it was my fault! But really though I never went out with boys and she did I didn't take Strut away from Millie. I thought she had him but I still hung around because I'd come with Millie. They were both ushers then. We used to sneak down and get in when ever we could. The manager of the theatre [[theater]] didn't mind but her brother did. Strut was about five-foot-eight and was awful cute. Everyone was after him. He had curly black hair great long thick black lashes and eyebrows and the most delicious smile and lips whew! a [[of]] course I never tasted his lips! I'll have to get my drooling cup. I'm not saying that he liked me especially well because I don't know how well he liked Millie. You wouldn't