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#36 Cabot Hall, Radcliffe
Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 22, 1946

Dear Grandma,

I thought if I didn't come home I would write a little something.

Have had a very busy week-end.  Friday night I was taken out by a boy I had met at the dance Wednesday night.  I didn't like him very much and won't go out even if he calls up again with him.  Afterwards did a lot of studying.  Sunday afternoon I had a chance to go to the Symphony concert in Boston -- and you bet I took it.  About seven other girls went.  It was a very good program -- Brahm's first symphony, something by Weber and Strauss.

I hope you have been enjoying the fine days and getting a little more meat since the OPA controls were removed.  We had beef roast, though tough, tonight.

We had a funny demonstration in Biology last week.  One of the lab assistants was strapped down and by a machine known as a radiocariograph, we could hear his heart beat all over the hall.  Also, we could listen to his muscles work -- they made a popping sound that rose to a sound like thunder when he flexed his arm muscles.  Saturday there were movies showing the inside workings of a goat's stomach -- very interesting indeed.  When the lab assistant comes in now we try to get the record of his heart beat that comes out on a paper running through the radiocardiograph as if it were his autograph.  How he blushes!

I'll be very glad to see you again this weekend.
