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527 Plain St.
Stoughton, Mass. 
Mar. 9, 1963

Mrs. Doris B. Ullman
423 South 120th St., Apt. 45
New York 27, N. Y. 

Dear Mrs. Ullman:

Another prospective buyer of your Father's herbarium cases is interested in them.  He is a Mr. Drury.  His full name and address are not available to me just now; they are in Cambridge.  I shall try to append them to this letter.  $25 a case seemed to him a satisfactory price.

If you care for a suggestion, I should think you or your Mother might write once more to Mr. George L. Kirk, 8 East Washington St., Rutland, Vt., to ask him to let you know promptly if he is interested in the cases, because another customer wishes them.  If he does not reply very soon, you could proceed with negotiations with Mr. Drury.

No doubt your Mother will soon be returning to this country.  I hope she has had a very successful and enjoyable trip.

Sincerely yours, 
Frank C. Seymour

P.S. The prospective customer is:
Mr. Herbert R. Drury, 20 Brown St.,
Melrose, Mass.
It would seem advisable for you or your mother to write directly to him.