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McKnight, who is usually unlucky, as are all the rest caught a wall-eyed pike which weighed 5½ pounds and [[strikethrough]] weighed [[/strikethrough]] measured 26½ inches.  It was really a beauty. 

Well things have been going pretty well with me lately.  School failed to open Sept 5 much to my pleasure because of the polio epidemic.  I think it will open the 12th.  [[strikethrough]] Were [[/strikethrough]] We are not sure, though.
I have been making quite a few cakes and all have been successes.  I bet you are thinking about the appearance of my face.  It still isn't anything much.  What I mean is that I still have bumps.  I heard on the [[strikethrough]] rea [[/strikethrough]] radio a beauty program.  If you send a snapshot to David Willetor Willis, I'm not sure which---Box 488, Grand Central Station, N.Y. he will study your face and send back complete instructions as to how to make the best of your face.  He is supposed to write on your picture.  All this is free.  Let's send and see what he says.  I'm not sure what his address is but I think the above is correct.

Well sweetie pie, I guess your [[you're]] getting tired of reading my gibberish.

continued on 2nd page.

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2617 North Second Road
Arlington, Virginia
September 7, 1944

Dear Angel Pie

I have just been to your house to inquire of your father just when you would be home.  Gosh, I wish you were coming before Thursday.  Your father sort of looked disgusted and asked me if I had written you any letters since you went.  He said he left you in a grouchy mood because you had only received one letter from anybody since you left.  Either he, you, or I am wrong.  I told him I wrote you four letters but I think I only wrote three.  Oh, well, this will be the fourth one.  I received my birthday card quite a while ago.  Thanks a lot.  Oh, I forgot to thank you for Doris Blake's exquisite braided pine needles.  Johnnie was looking at them and they broke in half.  Please make me another one if it doesn't take too long.

A lady told me to wash my hair with tar soap so I bought a cake for 25 ¢.