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I have been getting quite a few lines from Miss Armstrong. She is coming home on a furlough sometime in September, she hopes. Have you written her lately?

I cut the hedge today and cut the backyard yesterday and so I still weigh about 106.

How is your mother and grandmother? Oh, by the way how are you? I don't know anything to write.

Oh yes I have been copying more songs from the radio. There is one program which comes on in the afternoon by Hank Lawson and his Music Mixers. They sing old time songs.

I don't know if this special one is old-time or not but here it is:

Title: The Parlor is a Nice Place to Sit on Sunday Night.

The light is in the window
The fire is on the grate
the clock upon the mantle
Ticks out it's getting late
The curtains on the window are
made of a snowy white
The parlor is a pleasant place
to sit on Sunday Night.

I think it makes my hair look shinier. [[I?,L?, or 1?]] You wouldn't want it, of course. A couple days ago I cut the top of mmy hair moderately short and last night I cut it again. Now I can curl it easily and I think I am going to give that part a charm curl permanent so I can have curls on top.

Tuesday afternoon Jean and I went to Lubber Run Park (a park above Buckingham if you don't already know) and had a nice picnic. I deviled eggs and made potato salad and sandwiches. Jean and I both payed half. Then we had tomatoes, peaches, cookies, chocolate milk, olives, and napkins. Eating like that isn't a very favorable way to reduce. When you come home we will have to go there for a picnic.

I don't believe I told you in my first letter about the luck of Mr. McKnight, a man Delmas goes fishing with. ( I know you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition but skip it) Anyway, my grandfather made a short visit here and I went back to Pennsylvania with him. While he was here Delmas planned a fishing trip and included Mr. McKnight.