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53 for, 24 against.

I've really been busy this past week. I waxed the floors in the house and everybody's slipping around including me. They look better now and they are of a darker color.

Our school starts September 5. In a way I am glad to be going back to the old prison. When does your school start? We'll have to go some places after you come back, school or no school. I haven't been bowling or to play tennis much since I came back but I might go to play tennis this Thursday.

Two Sunday's ago Delmas was off and he took us on a picnic out in the woods near Vienna. I think its near Falls Church or Great Falls (pretty good directions, don't you think?) Anyway, we stopped at a farm house and bought a dozen ears of corn and boiled them in a makeshift fireplace out in the woods. They were really delicious. Then we had peaches and [[strikethrough]]pairs[[/strikethrough]] pears and sandwiches but no cake----until that evening. You see I had worked all the day before baking a


So I took some lux soap and began rubbing a small spot. Hokus, pokus, dokus, the spot was transformed into a greenish brilliance. But alas! it was only a small uninhabited green island surrounded by dust and smoke and the heat of battle (pretty awful, huh?) Pleased with the small result, I went to work scrubbing each small part and finally the sweater looked six shades greener. The battle with the sweater is over and it (the sweater, I mean) is lying on my bedroom floor drying.

Sunday night our Christian Endeavor went down by the river for another weiner roast. There were 14 people in all. There was one boy aged 16 and Mr. Jones and Mr. Looney and all the rest were girls. Mrs. Jones wasn't there because she was not feeling well. We had a very nice time and it was so dark when we walked back that I slipped and almost fell in one of the narrow branches of water.

The vote for open membership was passed at church. The result was something like this: