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Dear Doris, Darling,

The first thing I have to say is/
written to you sooner. After reading 2 pag/
to take an aspirin and I have had a sp/
You tried my patience for 4 pages! Now/
you can tell I am writing on a cut-up pap/
find any other paper wide and long enoug/

Boy, have we had scorching hot w/
and inhabitants of Arlington County are burnin/
though. Yesterday I borrowed the hose from/
didn't know it.) to get back to the subject - I bor/
plants. The hose reaches from the back porc/
and I had a time adjusting it. First I won/
squirt water on the tomatoes along the fen/
and swoosh! the water would squirt all over/
tomatoes. Then I dragged and tugged until I/
all the muscles in my arms (ha!ha!) to try/
that stretched all the way to the end of the gard/
but that didn't work. Then I tried tilting
the nosle [[nozzle]] just a slight little, ting, bit. Tho/
unscrewing until Ker Splash! The rubber stop/
rat. I immediately went in and changed/ 
luck. (I finally got part of the tomatoes u/
including Delmas, Carroll, my second change/
than Delmas asked me to take the electr/sweep/
the living room to the back yard - (thr/
of metal he had attached to take up the son/
If you don't skip it Yesterday he decided he/
rest of the afternoon cleaning out his boat. I/
mother and Carroll together had gotten/
trying to water her flowers. Well so m/

Now precious sugar lump, I will t/
Elaine, and I went down town to see "/
enjoyed the movie. Red Skelton and/
funny. Red Skelton took some dope/

[[majority of page is covered by a blank sheet of paper. Only word fragments can be seen]]

/t the

[[right margin]] Please write soon again.
Make the writing slightly bigger. (understand)?

Transcription Notes:
-->The ends of each line are cut off, indicated with a slash /