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Systena carri new species
Elongate oblong, about 4 mm. long, moderately shining, head and prothorax finely and rather densely punctate, elytra usually more coarsely [[strikethrough]] and densely [[/strikethrough]] punctate; in pale specimens the head and antennae reddish brown, prothorax paler yellowish brown with darker clouding, elytra with a median pale vitta wider at base and apex, margin and epipleura pale, body beneath piceous with paler legs [[strikethrough]]reddish brown [[/strike through]]; in dark specimens entire insect dark piceous except the [[strike through]] deep [[/strike through]] reddish brown antennae and sometimes a paler reddish margin around tronolum. ¶Head rounded over occiput, dark reddish brown or piceous with the labrum always dark; finely and not densely punctate; tubercles rather indistinct. Antennae reddish brown, not extending to middle of the elytra, third joint very little shorter than 4th [[strikethrough]] or [[/strike through]] & 5th, which are subequal with the 4th slightly longer. Prothorax not twice as wide as long, but wider proportionately than in the [[underlined]] S. blanda [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] elongata [[/underlined]] groups; sides arcuately rounded, widest at the middle, a slightly depressed fovea in middle of the base and one on each side, in some specimens these foveae very indistinct; surface distinctly but finely and moderately densely punctate; in pale specimens color yellowish or reddish brown, paler than head with vague clouded areas; in dark specimens piceous, often with the anterior and basal margins narrowly reddish brown. Elytra broadly oblong with[[strikethrough]]out [[/strikethrough]] feeble humeral prominences, usually more [[strike through]] densely and [[/strike through]] coarsely punctate than prothorax; in pale specimens the epipleura, lateral margin and apex pale and a median pale dorsal vitta widening at base and connecting with the pale lateral margin over the humerus; [[strikethrough]]in [[/strike through]] dark specimens elytra entirely piceous or with only deep reddish indistinct traces of a paler by trail vittor. Body beneath lightly pubescent, piceous, in pale specimens the legs reddish or yellowish brown with posterior femora darker; in dark specimens legs except for reddish basal joints entirely dark.
Length 3.8-4.5; width 1.8
Type ♂ and 1 paratype ♀ USNM Cal No.-
[[strike through]] Type locality [[/strike through]] both from [[strikethrough]] Cypriss  Hills [[/strike through]], Ft Saskatchewan, Alberta, collected 10 [[strikethrough]] Aug [[/strikethrough]]July 1922 by F S. Carn. Other locations: Edmonton, [[strike through]]Ft. Saskatchewan [[/strike through]] Cypress Hills, Alberta

Transcription Notes:
not sure about "by trail vittor"