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Notes on Systena
by D.H.Blake.

This paper presents the results of study of two groups of vittate species of Systena, (1) the more or less closely allied species that have gone under the name of Systena taeniata (Say) since Horn's revision of the genus in 1889, and (2) the very closely related species belonging to a widespread group of which S. elongata Fab. is a well-known representative in the United States. Drawings are given of the LeConte and Melsheimer types of the species concerned and of a cotype of Boheman's S. pallidula. In addition, descriptions are included of three new species based on material hitherto referred to S. taeniata in the National Museum and other collections, and a new Central American species belonging to 
this group is also described.
[[margin]] which one? [[NOTE: line pointing to "this group", which is circled]][[/margin]]

[[margin]] Where? [[NOTE: line pointing to "Say described"]][[/margin]] 
Say, Long's Second Exped., p.294, 1824, described Altica taeniata as "Black, antennae, feet and vitta on the elytra, white. Body deep black, polished, head with rather distant, profound punctures; region of the antennae a little elevated and dull rufous; antennae pale, dusky at base and tip; thorax punctured, punctures rather large and profound, but not very dense; no impressed line; posterior angles with minute abrupt excurvature, acute; elytra punctured like the thorax, with a longitudinal white vitta on the middle of each commencing at the middle of the base and extending rectilinearly, with a slight degree of attenuation to near the tip, and occupying about the sixth part of the surface; feet pale, posterior thighs dusky towards the tip. Length 3/20 of an inch. Inhabits N.W.Territory. This species resembles A. striolata Schoenh. (which seems to be Crioceris vittata and Galleruca elongata of Fabricius ....) but it is larger, of a more elongate form, and the vitta of the elytra is not flexuous as in that common and profusely named insect. I have not met with it in the Atlantic States." The type of Say's species unfortunately is lost.

Horn, who first placed A. taeniata (1) in the genus Systena [[strikethrough]](1)[[/strikethrough]], stated that 1.) In Gemminger and Harold's Catalogue it is given as a synonym of Phyllotreta vittata Fab.

Transcription Notes:
It appears the teacher wrote "Where" in the margin, referring to "Say described" and someone then hand-wrote the answer ("Long's Second Exped., p.294,1824", so I inserted the answer into the text where it belongs. I suspect the person named Long being referred to is Maj. Stephen Harriman Long, who is named in the Wikipedia entry for Thomas Say as also doing expeditions in America as did Say.