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The Little Boy that lived with the Animals.

Chap. 1

Once there lived a little boy that loved animals. His father did not like them. He killed foxes for their skins. He got money for the skins. He killed deer for their meat. The little boy got so tired of seeing his animals get killed that he said I will go to live with them. What time shall I go. I thing I will go at one o'clock. Soon one o'clock came. The little boy went out to get his little knapsack for he knew that he would need it. Then he started out for the woods. Soon he came to it. He decided he would go to the very middle of the forest. There he would build himself a house. Soon he came to the middle of the forest. It was hard to build a house but he managed to. Then he made furniture. That was hard too. As soon as the furniture and the house were made the little boy went home to get his best books and his rifle. As soon