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V.3, no.3, p.24.

Trudy Nauchn. Inst. Udobr. i Insektofung. etc. (cont.)
Spitsyn, N. I. & Miller, E. I. 
Opredelenie svobodnoi trekhokisi mysh'iaka v arsenite kal'tsiia (Bestimmung von freien arsentrioxyd in calciumarsenite). Trudy Nauchn. Inst. Udobr. i Inesktofung. (Trans. Sci. Inst. Fert. & Insectofung.)
123:124-129. 1935
Russian with German summary (p. 286).

Strachitiskii, K. I. & Mashtakov, S. M.
K metodike opredeleniia sravnitel'noi toksichmosti insektofungisidov po otnosheniiu k rastitel'nym ob'ektam (Zur methodik der bestimmung der relativen toxizitat der insektofungiciden in bezug auf die pflanzen). Trudy Nauchn. Inst. Udobr. i Insektogung. (Trans. Sci. Inst. Fert. & Insectofung.) 123:273-277. illus. 1935.
Russian with German summary (p.[291]).

Strachitskii, K.I. & Susskii, E.P.
Vliianie protravlivaniia na enzimatocheski protsessy prorastaiushchikh semian pshenitsy (Einfluss des beizens auf die enzymprozesse keimender weizensamen). Trudy Nauchn. Inst. Udobr. i Insektofung. (Trans. Sci. Inst. Fert. & Insectofung.) 123:277-282. 1935.
Russian with German summary (p.[291]).

Uspensky, E.E. & others.
Microbiologie of soils and manures. Researches of the microbiological section. Ser. II. Trudy nauchn. Inst. Udobr. i Insektofung. (Trans Sci. Inst. Fert. & Insectofung.) 108. 182 p. 1933. (Recd Ja. 1936)
Russian with German summaries interspersed.

Vasil'evskii, A.P.
Otsenka razlichnykh soedinenii mysh'iaka s fitopatologicheskoi tochki zreniia (Bewertung verschiedener arsenverbindungen vom phytopathologischen standpunkt). Trudy Nauchn. Inst. Udobr. i Insektofung. (Trans. Sci. Inst. Fert. & Insectofung.) 123:140-143. illus. 1935.
Russian with brief German summary (p.286). For control of smuts on cereals.

U.S. Dept. Agr. Miscellaneous mimeographed publications
Schoth, H.A. & Vinall, H.N.
Bulbous bluegrass. Washington, D.C., N.1935. 6p. (1.9P691Bul)
Mimographed publ. from Div. of Forage Crops & Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Dept. Agr. Poa bulbosa.