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V.7, no. 19, p.24.

Tree-Ring Bull. (Tucson, Ariz.) (99.8 T713)/
Glock, W.S.
Tree-ring dating: Factors pertai/
accuracy. Tree-Ring Bull. 4(4):6-/

Trop. Agriculture Trinidad (26 T754)
Baker, R.E.D.
Red root disease of limes in the/
Indies. Trop. Agriculture Trinidad/
My.1938.  no.5.
Sphaerostilbe repens.

Baker, R.E.D.
Swollen shoot of cacao. Trop./
15:110-111.  My.1938.  no.5.

Sauvage, P.J.
A field trial of three popular /
crops in Trinidad. Trop. Agricultu/
15:114-115.  My.1938. no.5.
Crotalaria juncea Dill. ex L.,
and Canavalia ensiformis D.C.

Veröffentl. Geobot. Inst. Rübel, Zürich (451/
Hryniewiecki, B.
Anton Schneeberger (1530-1581) ein schüler 
Konrad Gesners in Polen. Veröffentl. Geobot. Inst. Rübel, Zürich, h.13.  64 p.  illus. 1938.

Exp. Stat. Publ.
Ladd, C.E.
The Cornell university agricultural experiment station. Fifty years of research 1887-1937.
Cornell Agr. Exp. Stat. Ann. Rep. 50(1936/37): 84-173.
illus., plate. [1937]  (100 N48C)

New York (Cornell) agricultural experiment station
Plant pathology. In its Ann. Rep.  50(1936/37):
139-147.  1937 (100 N48C)

Midgley, A.R.
Four pasture clovers.  Vermont Agr. Exp. Stat.
Bull. 431.  16 p.  8 pl.  Mr.1938.  (100 V59)
Common white Dutch, Ladino (mammoth white),
English wild white, & indigenous or natural wild
white clover.

State Publications.
Ray, W.W.
Some mushrooms, edible and poisonous. Cornell
Ext. Bull. 386.  15 p.  illus.  Mr.1938.  (275.29 N48E)

Alexander, E.D.
Austrian winter peas and the vetches for ferti-
lizer, feed and soil protection.  Georgia State Coll.
Agr.  (Agr. Ext. Serv.) Bull. 453.  24 p. illus.
(Rev. Ja.1938.)  (276 G29B)

Transcription Notes:
page cutoff indicated by "/"