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Salmon is a fish found both in the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific salmon is the more valuable in the United States. The salmon is caught on its way up the river to spawn. Sportsmen catch it with rod and reel, but those who make a living catching salmon catch them in nets. Some are eaten fresh, but most of them are canned and sent inland to all parts of the Country. 
Leslie Carter
Sixth Grade


"We hope it rains"
The robins say,
Upon a very cloudy day. 

"For as you know,
It is our turn
The more it rains,
The better worm." 
Doris Blake
Fifth Grade

[[image - drawing of a parrot]] 


One day as I was walking down the street my cousin called me and asked me if I would tend to her beans while she went to her next door neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar. I said I would. As soon as I was in the house I headed for the cookie jar and just as I was about to take one I heard a voice. I thought I was alone. I was except for a polly parrot. I was in a playful mood so I started to tease it. I got upon a chair and started to swing the cage back and forth ducking every time it passed my head, but once I forgot to duck and the cage hit me on the back of my head and knocked me off the chair. This struck the catch and opened the cage. The parrot was so mad that he started chasing me. While this was going on my cousin was coming across the back yard carrying the sugar in a cup. She saw smoke coming out of the kitchen window. "My beans," she screamed and dropped the cup of sugar. She ran into the kitchen turned out the gas, then came into the living room to find me hiding behind a chair pleading for the parrot to go away. She soon got the parrot back into the cage and how I wished I could have crawled into one, too.
Harvey Anderson
Sixth Grade


When I was sitting in the tree
A robin came to talk to me.
When winter comes he'll fly away
But he'll be back some o ther day.
Nancy Burton
Third Grade


In the winter people go ice-skating on the canals. Old gentlemen go skating along with pipes in their mouths. They skate to work on the canals in the winter. 

In the summer Dutch people swim in the canals. When one lady wants to see another she gets into a little boat and rows across the canal

The children sail kites. They play hide-and-seek, tag, and hopscotch just as we do in our country.
John Lundberg
third Grade


Were you ever so frightened that you felt you could no longer breathe? Once when I was sent to a neighboring village on an errand, I was detained for some time. On my way home the big, bright moon crept from behind the horizon. I had been watching it and it seemed to follow me. In the meantime something peculiar attracted by attention. There was something very large at my heels. It moved every time I moved and at the same pace. I ran very fast but it followed at the same rate of speed. I thought it was a ghost. My mother thinking that I might be frightened had come to meet me. I fell into her arms, only to find that the ghost was my shadow. 
Dorothy Wright 
Sixth Grade


Spring is coming
Birds are here.
Pussy Willows bring 
us cheer.
Elizabeth Beard
Second Grade

While the leaves are turning green,
While the wrens are being seen,
While the merry brook is flowing,
You can't stop the wind from blowing.

While the boys are sailing kites,
They are happy all the night.
If they break them in a fight,
They can buy another kite.
Billy Eddy
Third Grade

When Bashful has to say "hello"
He'd rather jump a steeple.
For he is timid, don't you know,
And terrified of people.
Thomas Noble
Fourth Grade


Editor Russell Dowling
Ass't.         Billy Bryan
Cir.  Manager Bob Reynolds
Social       Jeanne Harmon
Business        Alma Allen
Jokes        Stuart Martin
Adviser         Miss Smith

Hose for every member of the family.
New and interesting toys for all ages.
Easter Cards
3169 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, Va.

Drawing - Painting - Clay Modeling - Plaster Casting
Children - Sat. 9 to 11:30 A.M. 
Adults - Tues. 9:30 to 3:30 P.M.
Instructor -Cal. School Fine Arts 
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Complete Automobile Service
Washington Blvd. & Fillmore St.
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Spring is here. There are many things that tell us that Spring has come. A few days ago there were two robins hopping around looking for food in our yard. Birds are coming from the South to the North. Flowers are coming out and pussy willows have come. It is getting warm. Girls play jump rope and boys are busy playing marbles and baseball. Children are playing outside. 
Doris Douglas
Fifth Grade

The S.C.A. of northern Virginia will hold its meeting at Manassas on April 6. We will send two delegates to represent our school.