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V.7, no.19, p.26.

New books (cont.)

Shaw, F.J.F.
A handbook of statistics for use in plant breeding and agricultural problems.  182.p.  Dehli, Manager of publications, 1936.  (64 Sh2)

Small, J.
A textbook of botany for medical, pharmaceutical and other students.  4th ed.  717p.  London, J.& A. Churchill, 1937.  (463 Sml)

Sveshnikova, L.N. & Belekhova, I.P.
Izmeneniia khromosom v resul'tate mezhvidovoĭ gibridizatsii u viki i ikh filogeneticheskoe znachenie (Variation of chromosomes as a consequence of interspecific hybricization in vetch and its phylogenetic significance).  43 p.  Moskva, Izdatel'stvo Vsesoiuznoĭ akademiia s.-kh. nauk im. V.I Lenina,1936.  (463.69 Sv2)
Russian with English summary.

Vakar, B.A.
Tsiologiia pshenichno-pyreinykh gibridov [Cytology of a wheat-Agropyrum hybrid].  63p.  Omsk, Oblastnoe izdavel'stvo, 1935.  (64 V22T)

Vakar, B.A.
Tsitologicheskii analiz pshenichno-pyreinykh gibridov... (A cytological analysis of wheat x couch-grass hybrids).  31 p.  Omsk, Omskoe oblastnoe izdatel'stvo, 1935.  (64 V22)
The self fertilized forms of the first generation.
Russian with English summary (Transl. by V.N. Engelhardt).

Wherry, E.T.
Guide to eastern ferns.  220 p.  Lancaster, Pa., Science press printing co., N.1937.  (461.2 W57)

Zander, E.
Pollengestaltung und herkunftsbestimmung bei blütenhonig... v.2, 122 p.  Leipzig, Verlag Liedloff, Loth & Michaelis, 1937.  (Beiträge zur herkunftsbestimmung bei honig II).  (424 Z1Be)

Zeniuk, A.V.
Mednye udobreniia pod zernovye kul'tury na osushennykh bolotakh (Methods of fertilizing for cereal crops on drained swamp land).  93p.  illus.  Moskva, Izdatel'stvo Vsesoiuznoĭ akademii S.-Kh. Nuak, 1937. (57 Z4)

Transcription Notes:
Multiple items originally written in Russian. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-11 23:53:15