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I feed him grass-hoppers and bananas and water. A little while before I got the mantis I went to the Theatre and saw a moving picture. It was midsomir [[midsummer]] nights dream. I had fun at it. I keep the mantis in a box. If I did not the cat would eat him up. He eats the banana off my finger. He died. He was sick. I stuck him on a pin in my green box.

Nov. 17, 1935
I went to the zoo today and saw all the animals. Daddy bent down to look at a monkey. The monkey threw a lot of straws and dust at him. Another monkey made a lot of faces at us. I saw a lot of deer. When we got home mother left the backdoor open and the cat got out in the rain She came in all wet. She is dry now. 

Dec. 30, 1935
I got a doll set for the Christmas party at school. I did not like it. I gave it to Bobbie. When Christmas came I got a train a lot of animals a lot of games a lot of books, a box of dates, a magic coloring book and two boxes of modeling clay. Le Roy came back and came over to see me. I showed him what I got for Christmas. Then we played Christmas, It snowed hard yestered and part of today.