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Lisbon Bluff. We went along the cliff collecting fossil shells. I got on the cliff and was walking along on the bank when I slid down. Jerry caught me in time. Soon we had dinner. After dinner we played a game of how to eat Jerry if the man didn't come. Father was the director. First father gave straws around. Jerry turned out to be the one to be eaten. It was a long time before the orders were ready. Suddnly [[Suddenly]] we saw the man coming in his motor boat. Then we went down where the cars were in the motor boat. Then we drove back to Mr. Farr's house. We spent the night there again. We went back to the Claiborne Cliffs the next day. We collected fossils until noon there. On the way to the other Claiborne Cliffs Jerry caught a little brown lizard. I wanted to have the lizard so much I cried. On the way back mother saw two lizards playing together. Mother said that Jerry had stopped to get the lizards. When Jerry came he said he had caught one of the lizards. The other one got away. When we got back to Mr. Farr's house, I got a jar to put my lizard in. After I had put my lizard in the jar, we had lunch. Then we went out collecting again, with Mr. Hanks. Jerry went to Mobile to have a key made for his car. While we were collecting it began to rain hard. We had to go home in the rain. Again we stayed at Mr. Farr's house for the night. It rained all night too. Next morning it was still raining. Miss Gardner and Jerry left that morning to go to Texas, Jerry may have changed his mind for he said he wouldn't send the other lizard to the zoo, but would give it to me. I thought so to, because my lizard might be lonesome, and his lizard wouldn't because he'd have the other lizards at the zoo to play with. I put Jerry's lizard in with mine. Miss Gardner gave me a big box full of paper napkins and some decorated sugar. We drove toward Florida and Jerry and Miss Gardner drove toward Texas. It rained until lunch time and the rest of the day. That night we stopped at De Funiak in a hotel. In the morning after breakfast we collected fossils. After dinner we drove to Apalchicola. We collected modern sea shells on the way. When we were in Apalachicola we spent the night at a hotel. In the morning after breakfast we went to Tallahassee. We collected modern sea shells on the way. After we while we came to Wakulla Springs. We got in a glass bottomed boat. A darkey was rowing the boat. When he called John a school of catfish came swimming under the boat. Soon we came to a place as deep as 185 feet. The bottom looked dark blue. The spring came up from the bottom. Suddenly we saw two or three turtles on a log and a small alligator on another log. All of a sudden the nigger began to call Henry. In a while a greenish fish came slowly along. The darkey told him in a loud voice to slide over a stick. Then the fish did it two or three times. When we on land we saw two or three fish jumping out of the water. Then we drove to Tallahassee where we had out lunch. After that we drove out to Jackson Bluff. We collected some fossils. Then we went back to Tallahassee. Soon we went on again. The orange trees were in bloom. The Spanish moss covered some trees. I still had my lizards. I named one the small lizard Greeny Brown and the big lizard Browny Green. We spent the night at some cabins. I decided to play a gost [[ghost]] to frighten father. When father came in to tell me my story I told him to turn off the light. Just as he was beginning to tell a story I stood up in bed with father's shirt over me. I said ooooooooooooooooo. Father said What do you want? I said I want you to eat. Father said boo boo hoo hood, don't eat me. I'm going to eat you I said. boo hoo boo hoo cryed father. I pulled off his shirt and burst out laughing. The next morning after breakfast I tried to catch some doodle bugs. But I couldn't. Then we started home again. Soon father bought three hot cross buns. Then we went on again. Soon we had lunch. After a little while I saw a thicket of bamboo trees. That evening we spent the night at a