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private house in Charleston. In the morning after breakfast we went out again. In a while father saw a hurt turtle in the road. He put him in the car and we went on again. As we drove across the high bridge I saw fort Sumter. That is where the Star Spangled Banner same [[came]] from. Soon after that I saw a fox squirrel. That was the first wild fox squirrel I ever saw. Soon father saw a baby turtle that was nearly dead, so he had to kill it. As soon as we came to a marsh father let go the other turtle. Soon we stopped where there was a canal. There were fossil sea shells there. On the way back I caught a big brown grasshopper. When we got back to the car, I put the grasshopper in the jar with the lizards. The grasshopper crawled over the big lizards nose. Soon the grasshopper crawled over the big lizards nose again. The big lizard was getting hungry so when the grasshopper crawled over his nose the second time, the big lizard grabed [[grabbed]] him. Then we went down to the beach to eat lunch. When we got there the big lizard had finished the grasshopper. As I ate my lunch I collected modern sea shells. When I had finished I caught a lot of beetles that looked like ants. I wish you could have seen those two lizards. They gobbled down the beetles like pigs. After lunch we went on again. I forgot to tell that they were celebrating because the canal had opened today. There was a band. They played Dixie and other songs I don't know. Then we went on again. Soon we came to a place where doodle-bugs would like to live. It had rained so much that I was afraid that the doodle-bugs had drowed. But we found five or six doodle bugs. I put my doodle bugs in a box full of sand. Soon father saw a spotted turtle. He gave it to me. Then we went on again. Soon we had lunch. Then we went on again. Father took the turtle and put him in a marsh. Then we spent the night at a hotel in Elizabeth City. In the morning after breakfast we went on again. Soon father stopped to get some cotton for me. Father rapped [[wrapped]] up all the cotton except one bit. I took the seeds out of that bit. Then I had nothing left in the pod. We went on again. In a little while we went across the James river in a ferry. We saw some old buildings. Then we went to a fossil place where there were fossils. We collected for a while and then went back to eat our lunch. After lunch we went on again. We got home on Easter night. I still had my lizards. I put my lizards in a large jar. The little lizard hid in the moss. I put my doodle bugs in a large box too.