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Page 12    Friday, August 27, 1971
Supplements On Placed Agenda

A $20,000 research project on liquid supplements and feed for cattle was announced early this summer by Taylor-Evans Seed Co. of Amarillo and West Texas State University School of Agriculture.

It will be the first research project undertaken at the newly acquired Nance Ranch east of Canyon. Panhandle area agricultural interest have donated $100,000 to develop and equip the ranch for research programs.

The two-year study began June 1 under the direction of John W. McNeill, 24, acting head of the Department of Animal Science.

"The term, 'liquid supplement, liquid supplementation, or liquid feed' has become common in recent years as it relates to livesock [[sic]] feeding," said Dr. Charles M. Smallwood, dean of the school.

"There is a large amount of information concerning the use of this type of feed in finishing rations; however, very little information is available on its use on cows, even though this is one of its major uses."

Smallwood said the research will seek to learn the effect of extended use of liquid feed on reproduction, the nutritional value when used with various roughages such as maize butts, cotton burs, wheat and native pasture, and the types of rations which can be built around liquid supplements and its ingredients. 

The project will be carried out in confined and pasture cow operations and later in feedlot studies, Smallwood said.

The cooperative project was announced by James A. (Doc) Potts, executive vice president of Taylor-Evans, and Smallwood.

Under terms of the agreement, Taylor-Evans will provide tanks and equipment for storing and handling liquid feed supplements and to reimburse the university for expenses not to exceed $10,000 per year.

"The primary emphasis of the research will be a longterm study of cow herd performance in confinement and on pasture," Smallwood said.

Last year McNeill conducted research into the value of processed milo rations in the feeding of swine supplements and to reimburse the university for expenses not to exceed $10,000 per year. 

"The primary emphasis of the research will be a longterm study of cow herd performance in confinement and on pasture," Smallwood said.

Last year McNeill conducted research into the value of processed milo rations in the feeding of swine. Such milo rations have been successful in beef cattle production.

A native of the Panhandle, McNeill received a Bachelor of Science in animal science and a Master of Science in animal nutrition, both from Texas A&M University. He has had published five articles in his field. 

McNeill, who joined the West Texas State faculty last year, received the Distinguished Student Award at Texas A&M and also the American Society of Animal Science Scholarship Award.

Miss Gaume Receives Award

A former music instructor at Frances Shimer College is the recipient of the $1,000 Faculty Award at West Texas State University in Canyon.

Mis Matilda Gaume, associate professor of music at West Texas State, was presented the award at Spring Convocation. The award came as she was celebrating her silver anniversary of service to the university.

The Faculty Award is made by the Faculty Council from nominations submitted by the faculty at large, said council chairman Dr. Ronald Huffstutler. In nominating Miss Gaume, Miss Mary Ruth McCulley, assistant professor of music, said "there is no doubt in my mind that her spirit of dedication as teacher, researcher and counsellor has placed her in the front ranks of our teaching profession."

Among Miss Gaume's achievements are building the Department of Music's record from no holdings when she came to the university in 1945 to 2,000 long playing recordings at present, creating a score library from no holdings her first year to 1,000 single scores, and brought the number of music books in the WTSU library from an estimated 300 to 3,000 volumes.

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