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[[newspaper clipping - multiple articles appear; top, bottom, left and right sides are cut off]]

[[cut off]]Sacramento, gets an idea of what
[[cut off]]t's like to drive a snowmobile, even
[[cut off]]n the unlikely setting of the Capitol
grounds. Playing back seat driver is
[[column two]] [[top cut off]]
San Diego. The occasion was da[[cut off]]
long Assembly hearings Friday [[cut off]]
possible legislation affecting o[[cut off]]
road vehicles.

[[left partial column is excluded from transcription]]

[[column 1 - partial story]]
"I was the blackest guy in town last night," said Brownlee, who is white.

A principal only six months, Brownlee reported for work on schedule Friday and good-naturedly discussed his experience with teachers, students and newsmen. "Thank God they didn't pour it on my head," he said.

Brownlee said he was not able to see the assailants but was sure they were "grown white men." He said one man wore a black hood and the others wore white hoods.

Hair Stylist Jailed in Con Game

Superior Court Judge Joseph A. DeCristoforo revoked Sacramento men's hair stylist Charles Luther Centers' probation Friday and put him in jail in a "money machine" confidence game case.

DeCristoforo ruled that Centers, 31, a fight manager and former boxer, took only a day to violate the terms of his probation granted March 16.

He remanded Centers to jail pending a supplemental probation report April 16. After a hearing lasting more than three hours, DeCristoforo ruled that Centers was in possession of stolen government postal money orders knowing they were stolen on March 17.

DeCristoforo had granted Centers three years probation with the condition he obey all laws and serve 20 Sunday-Monday weekends in jail. Centers pleaded no contest to attempted grand theft in a confidence scheme that fleeced two local businessmen of $28,000.

The next day postal inspectors arrested Centers on a charge of possessing stolen money orders. Inspector Peter Morvello testified Centers for $2,000 sold him about $14,000 in money orders stolen from a Texas post office. 

Jobless Rate Rises in State
Related story, Page E6

California's unemployment rate rose from 6.7 per cent in February to 7.1 per cent in March, the State Department of Human Resources Development announced Friday.

Gilbert L. Sheffield, HRD director, said the number of persons employed actually rose and the number of persons unemployed decreased. But the official unemployment rate increased because the job market did not pick up as fast as normal for the time of year. 

With the exception of February, the unemployment rate has averaged 7 per cent since last September.

Dry weather in February resulted in a pickup in the construction industry. 

Factors affecting employment, HRD said, include setbacks in the aerospace industry, trade disputes and after-effects of the Southern California earthquake. 

The number unemployed in March was 191,000 more than the number unemployed in March 1970, HRD said.

Sacramento's unemployment rate in March was 5.9 per cent, up from 5.6 per cent in February.

Minority Hiring Boosted by HRD

Governor Reagan's administration said Friday that 43 per cent of 61,883 persons placed in jobs by the Department of Human Resources Development since August are members of minority races. 

Gilbert L. Sheffield, HRD director, noted that only 20 per cent of California's residents are members of ethnic minorities. 

He said:

"When you compare this 43 per cent to the state's 20 per cent minority population, I believe it indicates clearly the Reagan administration is providing a favorable placement service to minorities."

Sheffield said 13,700 jobs were found for persons with Spanish surnames, and 11,000 Negroes and 600 American Indians were placed on jobs.

HRD has a new system which reports such details as the age, sex, income, race, education, handicaps and veterans' status of persons helped by the department.

Socialist Parley

HELSINKI, Finland (AP) -- The Socialist International said it will hold a conference May 25 to discuss problems of European security and the Middle East.

Liz' Chauffe[[cut off]]
Loses Licens[[cut off]]

MARGATE, England[[cut off]]
-- The chauffeur for a[[cut off]]
Elizabeth Taylor and [[cut off]]
Richard Burton has bee[[cut off]]
bidden to drive for a yea[[cut off]]
being found guilty of ope[[cut off]]
the film couple's $24,00[[cut off]]
while under the influen[[cut off]]

Gaston Sanz also was[[cut off]]

The 49-year-old Frenc[[cut off]]
was accused of driving [[cut off]]
the influence last August [[cut off]]
the car hit a light pole, cra[[cut off]]
into the side of a shop, bang[[cut off]]
brick wall and came to rest[[cut off]]
car park.

75ยข [[right side of ad cut off]]

[[image of shop sign]] GRAY'S MAPLE SHOP [[/image]]
Open Today to 5:30
Sunday 12-5
Friday 10-9 
FREE Delivery

Take the easy Freeway drive to bargains...Off South Bound Freeway at 47th East, then left at first light to Lemon Hill intersection

Bent Arm Rocker
Made of selected hardwoods in Andover Maple finish. Over-all: W23 1/2" D31" H39". Compare at 77.95 $64 [[image of rocking chair]]
[[right side of ad cut off]]

[[cut off]]