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RSLIP Guidelines continued 

Write to your regional General Services Administration (GSA); Health Education and Welfare (HEW), Office of Surplus Property Utilization; and the area director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). (See Sample "B" for addresses.) Ask them for background information on all known and suspected excess and surplus sites. Have your lawyer write the letter. Have him follow-up two weeks later. If you know where the properties are, make arrangements with GSA to visit them. Read thoroughly the enclosed GSA booklet "Disposal of Surplus Real Property enclosed". The BIA can get these properties for rural Indians, (but ignore urban ones), while they are still in the excess stage. Examples: Toyon Job Corps Center, Redding, California; Kicking Horse Training Center, an old job corps center in Ronan, Montana; Mt. Lemmon, an old prison in Mr. Lemmon, Arizona. When properties are declared surplus, the governor, the county, and the mayor receives a notice. At this point, you have only 20 days to file a letter of intent with GSA, HEW, and the BIA, etc.

What is the difference between excess and surplus property?

(a)The term "excess property" means any property under the control of any federal agency and is no longer required for its needs. 

The federal agency notifies GSA. GSA then checks other federal agencies such as: the Department of the Interior and the BIA. If not other federal agencies want this "Excess property", it then becomes "Surplus property".

(b) The term "surplus property" means any excess property which the administrator of GSA determines is not needed by any of the federal agencies.


PURPOSE: To gain public sympathy and support for "Return Surplus Lands to Indians Project" goals.

(1) Periodic news releases sent to local newspapers, television, radio.
(2) Conduct letter writing campaigns to local and state: fraternal and business organizations, churches, etc. asking for their support.(See Sample "D" enclosed)

(3) Establish a lecture bureau of about 4 people. Notify local organizations that a free talk about Indians is available. (You'll be deluged with calls.)


PURPOSE: To write proposals for initial funding to foundation, government, and to work with lawyers on the federal application guidelines. You can form this committee later on.


PURPOSE: To raise funds for necessary materials i.e. postage, stationary, and printing costs.

THE PRECENDENT FOR SECURING SURPLUS SITES HAS BEEN SET: The federal government transferred three million dollars worth of federal surplus property, April 3, 1971 in order to establish Deliyauto-Quetzalcoatl University at Davis, California. 

FOR NON-PROFIT EDUCATION CORPORTATIONS: Get a group of Indian educators together. Form a corporation (only three are needed), look around for a suitable site for a school.

ORGANIZE OTHER INDIAN INTEREST CORPORATIONS: They have to incorporate and have by-laws before the federal government or foundations will recognize them.

SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES, FOUNDATIONS, ETC: Check regional offices of HEW; the Office of Economic Opportunity, and the BIA for guidelines in writing proposals. Call on these groups for technical assistance. People in these offices are paid to help you.

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"Nothing can withstand the force of an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo