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[[Drawing of a sterilization cabinet]]

METHODS OF STERILIZATION---There are four different methods of sterilization used in beauty shops. The beautician should be familiar with all of them and know how and when to use each. 

1. Moist Heat-Boiling or steaming from 5 to 30 minutes.

2. Dry heat-Baking for twenty minutes or more at 300 Fahrenheit. Sunlight and electric heat may also be classed as dry heat sterilizers.

3. Chemical-Immersing in a chemical solution.

4. Vapor-Exposing in air tight cabinet to fumes of a disinfectant.

[[image - drawing of a sterilization cabinet]]

MOIST HEAT is convenient and effective and is used for instruments not affected by moisture; glassware and linen. The objects to be sterilized should remain in the boiling water or steam for about twenty minutes so as to destroy the spores of bacteria. It has been found that adding a small quantity of baking soda to the water in which instruments are boiled will help to keep them bright.

DRY HEAT is used for sterilizing sheets, towels, hair cloths, and other linens; gauze, absorbent cotton, hair pieces, etc. Is is accomplished by wrapping the articles to be sterilized in cotton or gauze and placing them in an oven heated to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. 

CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS are used for sterilizing brushes, combs, instruments, electrical appliances, etc., in fact all objects that can not be boiled or steamed. The objects to be sterilized should first be thoroughly washed with soap and hot water, and then immersed in the chemical solution to be used as a disinfectant and allowed to remain at least twenty minutes. 

VAPOR is used to keep tools and appliances sterile after they have been cleansed and made free of germs by other methods. This is accomplished by placing a vaporizing chemical, usually 



formalin in a small dish in the bottom of an airtight cabinet into which the disinfected objects have been placed. It should be remembered that vapor sterilizers alone are not enough to kill bacteria. All objects should be washed well with soap and hot water, rinsed, allowed to stand in a disinfecting solution for at least 20 minutes and dried before they are put in the cabinet where they remain until ready to be used. 

Some Antiseptics and How To Use

IODINE: A strong antiseptic for cuts, bruises. Use sparingly at full strength. Stains.

ALCOHOL: An expensive agent not to be used where irritation is present. Usually 60%.

FORMALIN: One of the best antiseptics for shop use. For rinsing the hands use a 5% solution.

LYSOL: a cheap effective antiseptic possessing a disagreeable odor. Use a 2% solution for sterilizing the hands.

BORIC ACID: A mild antiseptic which may be used at full strength for rinsing the hands. 

MERCUROCHROME: A prepared antiseptic for cuts, bruises, etc., use full strength.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: 3% solution for cleaning wounds. 

CARBOLIC ACID: 10% or less for use in sterilizing hands. 

Some Disinfectants, Strength, and for What Used

FORMALIN which is also known as Formaldehyde is one of the best all purpose substances used in beauty shops for sterilization. It is a pungent, gaseous compound which when diluted to various strengths has a multiplicity of uses.

25% Solution---(10% Formaldehyde) used for sterilizing instruments by immersing for 10 or more minutes. (Preparation: 2 parts formalin, 1 part glycerin, 5 parts water).

10% Solution---(4% Formaldehyde) used to sterilize combs, brushes, irons, etc., by allowing them to remain in the solution for twenty or more minutes. (Preparation: 1 part formalin, 9 parts water). 

5% Solution---(2% Formaldehyde) Used for sterilizing the hands, shampoo boards, washing furniture, etc., (Preparation: 1 part formalin, 19 parts water). 


Transcription Notes:
[[Drawing of a sterilization cabinet]] 28