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8. EXCRETORY SYSTEM consists of the organs of elimination, kidneys, bladder, ureters, uretha and parts of the respiratory and digestive systems. 
FUNCTION: to eliminate the waste products of the body.

9. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM consists of the testes and their ducts in the male; the ovaries, tubes, uterus, and vagina in the female.
FUNCTION: to produce other human beings.




This system treats of the bones of the body. the study of bones is called OSTEOLOGY. Bone is the hardest structure of the body. It is a fibrous connective tissue made hard by mineral salts, which when connected together as in the skeleton, form a semi-rigid framework to which the skeletal muscles and other soft parts of the body are attached. The outer covering of bone or the PERIOSTEUM, is light pink in color, compact and hard like ivory; the inner tissue or ENDOSTEUM, is a deep red and spongy. Bone has a cavity or canal which is filled with an oily tissue, known as MARROW; tiny blood vessels and lymphatics.

There are 206 bones in the adult body and they constitute slightly more than one-sixth of the total weight. There are 208 bones in an infant or 2 more than in an adult. These additional bones grow together with maturity to form what is later classed as a single bone. The beautician studies 93 bones.

Functions of Bones

1. They are organs of support.

2. They are instruments of motion.

3. They form a framework of hard materials.

4. They are the means of attachment for the soft parts (muscles, etc.).

5. They afford shelter and protection for the delicate organs.

6. They give shape to the body.

Composition of the Bones

Bones are composed of one-third organic matter or solids and two-thirds inorganic matter or liquids. The organic matter consists of the cells, blood vessels, marrow and lymphatics. The inorganic matter consists of mineral salts, chiefly phosphate and carbonate of calcium. Bone freed of its inorganic matter is called DECALCIFIED. Such bone is tough, flexible and elastic, so free from stiffness that it easily can be twisted or tied in a knot. Bone freed from organic matter is white and very brittle, easily crushed between the fingers. These two constituents of bone are also referred to as animal and mineral matter and varies in persons of different age. In children the solid, organic, or animal matter predominates. Hence because of its high proportion of the mineral