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the type of current desired for the treatment; two BINDING POSTS for attaching the conductor cords which bring the current from the machine to the patron; a RHEOSTAT, which controls the amount of current supplied to the patron; a MILLIAMPERE METER, which registers the amount of current required to overcome the resistance offered by the skin to the free passage of the current; a FARADIC COIL for producing the Faradic Current. If the wall plate is built to take alternating current it is also supplied with a RECTIFIER, to change the alternating current to a direct current.


Friction was the only artificial means of securing electricity until Galvani, in 1970, discovered a new way to make it, by accidental experiment with two metals in contact with the limbs of a frog. the Galvanic current togday is produced either by cells or by a direct flow of electrical current. It may be described as a direct, uninterrupted flow of current, the action of which is chemical.

GALVANISM means the use of this continuous current for therapeutic purposes.

This current is bi-polar, that is to say, it has definite and decided polarity. The poles are called Positive (+) or Anode; and Negative (-), or Cathode. The Galvanic current always flows from the positive pole is exactly opposite that which takes place at the negative pole.

The beautician should be well versed in the use of the Galvanic current, because serious and even fatal results may occur if the poles are incorrectly applied.


1. Contracts pores and glands. Astringnet.
2. Makes muscular tissue firmer.
3. Attracts oxygen.
4. Decreases blood circulation by contraction blood vessels.
5. Is a sedative.
6. Is germicidal.
7. Attracts alkaline solutions


1. Relaxes pores and glands.
2. Softens tissue.
3. Attracts hydrogen.



4. increases blood circulation by expanding blood vessels.
5. Stimulates nerve action.
6. Increases inflammation.
7. Attracts acid solutions.

APPLICATION OF THE GALVANIC CURRENT-This current is applied to the parts of the body under treatment by giving the patron an electrode to hold while the beautician applies the other electrode to the skin of the patron, making certain the polarity of the electrodes has been determined and the proper selection of the one to be applied to the skin has been made. Care should be taken not to touch one spot of the skin without moving onward instantly. There should be no dragging of the tissues, the electrode should be used lightly and without much pressure. The voltage necessary will depend upon the resistance of the body of the person under treatment and will be shown by the Rheostat of the wall plate through which the current has been made to pass.

TEST FOR POLARITY-To test whether the current flowing into the electrode is positive or negative, or which is the Anode and which the Cathode, insert the tips of the tow conduction cords in a glass of fresh or salt water, being careful not to let them touch, as a short circuit would result if they did. Turn on the current and watch the tips of the cords. Tiny bubbles, in quantity, will be seen around the negative pole while only a few bubbles will be seen around the positive pole. This is due to the power of the negative pole to attract the hydrogen content of water (H2O) which is twice the amount of oxygen attracted by the positive pole.

PHORESIS is the process of driving chemical solution into the tissues of the unbroken skin by the use of electricity.

ANAPHORESIS is the process of forcing solutions from the negative toward the positive pole.

CATAPHORESIS is the process of forcing solutions from the positive toward the negative pole.

ELECTROLYSIS is the process of using electricity for the removal of superfluous hair and decomposition of skin blemishes. It is done by attaching a needle electrode to the negative pole and inserting it in the hair follicle, after which contact is made nearby with the positive pole.

Electrolysis is a highly specialized branch of beauty culture and should not be attempted without special training in the subject. 


This current was discovered by Faraday, hence its name Faradic. It is an alternating, or induced interrupted current, strongly mechanical,