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parts with a dab of pink but rather blend a little color with the natural complexion

If the nose is too blunt you may detract from the blunt appearance by applying a dash of rouge at the corners of the nostrils. After completing this application, to insure youthful freshness, go over the entire face with the proper shade of Madam C.J. Walker's face powder.


[[image - Application of Artificial Eye Lashes.]] 

Facial expression may be made softer by removing the hair growing between the eyes, by raising or lowering of the eyebrows and by increasing the growth of the eyelashes.

Eyes that are are too small may be made to appear wider by dotting the corners of the eyes with a red pencil. If the eyes are too prominent or appear bulging, they should be shadowed by making a line around them with a dark pencil.

Eyes that are too small may be made to appear larger by slightly darkening the edges of the lids with the eye brow pencil. 

EYE SHADOW. The color of the eyes should determine the shade of eye shadow to be applied should the patron so desire it.

FOR GRAY EYES—Blue or green, for both day and evening.

FOR LIGHT BROWN EYES—Blue for daytime. Green for night.

FOR DARK BROWN EYES—Blue for daytime. Green for night.

FOR GREEN EYES—Green for daytime. Blue for night.

A brown or copper tone of eye shadow is used on the eyelids first, as a base before the actual color you may desire to show is applied.

MASCARA. For light eyelashes use Brown Mascara. For dark eyelashes use black mascara. Blue or green may be used at night to blend with the eyeshadow used.

[[image - Applying Mascara]]



EYEBROW PENCIL. For very light eyebrows use a brown eyebrow pencil for day, black for night. For dark eyebrows use the black pencil for both day and evening.

EYE WASH. Drop a few drops of boric acid solution, or Murine in the eyes before completing the make-up. Either will rest the eyes and make them sparkle.
