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[[transcribed as one page]]

Amazing Progress of Colored Race

-improved appearance responsible 

Good Looks, Neatness Were Very Important Essentials in the Success of these People

It is inconceivable that these noted men could have been so successful if they had allowed any offensive or objectionable features in their personal appearance.

Thoughtfulness and care with their physical appearance has been one of the very first essentials to their successes.

There are many others who, though not so noted, give as careful consideration to the impressions they make. In business, in social life, and in every other walk thousands of people rely upon Mme. C. J. Walker’s famous preparations to maintain a pleasant presence. And it has been through the help of these wonderful creations that these thousands have achieved success—and are continuing to progress and prosper. 


Booker T. Washington

Born a slave on April 5, 1856, at Lynchburg, Virginia, Booker T. Washington achieved world-wide distinction never surpassed by a man of his race. Through his own perserving effort he became an eminent educator, lecturer, author and organizer. He was the founder of Tuskegee Institute in 1881, for the education of his people. He wrote "Up from Slavery," "My Larger Education," etc. In 1896, Harvard University conferred the honorary degree of Master of Arts on him-the first time in America's history that a school of as high standing had conferred an honorary degree on a negro. November 14, 1915, he passed on to his greater reward.


Roland Hayes

In the field of music Roland Hayes has done for his race what no other colored man has accomplished. His matchless tenor voice earned him great, overflowing audiences in noted concert centers both at home and abroad, including a program before the late King George V of England. Born of an ex-slave mother in Georgia, Roland Hayes has risen through poverty to world renown through his own indefatigable efforts. His utter command of phrase and style, and his vivid emotional qualities, have been the inspiration of singers not alone in his own race. No one in any race has risen to greater heights from as humble a start.


Cab Calloway

CAB CALLOWAY - known as "His Hi-De-Highness of Ho-De-Ho" - has been rightfully called "the most amazing and popular personality in the world of music."


C. C. Spaulding

The above is a likeness of Mr. C. C. Spaulding, President of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, one of the oldest and most successful insurance companies and business enterprises operated by members of our race. Mr. Spaulding is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Negro Business League, and is active in church, civic and fraternal affairs.


Dr. Moton

Dr. Moton is another of our contemporary noted men. Born of slave parents in Athelia County, Virginia, August 6, 1867-a direct descendent of a young African prince-he has made his own way to the summit. He acquired his Doctor of Laws degree from Oberlin College and his Doctor of Literature from Lincoln University. He has also been a student at Virginia Union University and Williams College. At present, he is the head of the renowned Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama. His fame as an educator, organizer and leader is world-wide. He is a living example of great success from persevering efforts.


Frederick Douglas

For notable accomplishments and successes through personal effort against gigantic obstacles and dangers, Frederick Douglas is conceded by many to be the greatest man of our race who ever lived. Born in February, 1817, near Easton, Maryland, he served as a slave until a successful escape to New York in 1838 after a failure two years earlier. He became a leader in the anti-slavery movement, writing, speaking and traveling much here and in England for the cause. Among numerous positions of trust and honor, he was appointed a member of upper house of the territorial legislature at Washington, D. C., and consul general to Haiti.

From Slave Cabin to Mansion
- the Greatest Benefactress of Our Race

Mme. C. J. Walker's life story is without parallel in any race. She stands supreme in her accomplishments-and serves as a lasting inspiration to her race, especially.
Her obstacles, as related on page one, were made stepping stones to success and fame in her service in improving the outward appearance of her race.
From humble cabin, she rose to the finest things our country offers. In addition to a thriving business that is carried on in all parts of the world, she left a beautiful home in Indianapolis, [[a mansion?]] on 136th Street in New York City, and a palace fit for royalty at Irvington-on-the-Hudson.

AT LEFT: Slave cabin at Delta, Louisiana, where Mme. C. J. Walker was born. 
AT RIGHT: Villa Le Waro, Mme. Walker's half-million dollar palatial residence at Irvington-on-the-Hudson.

e. [[margin]]

A few pennies invested may bring you untold success

Wonder Pomade For Men

Mme. C.J

Mme. C.J

A Wonderful Hair Dressing
Keeps the hair in place, prevents and relieves dandruff. Contains no acid or alkalies and will do no harm to hair or scalp. Just the thing to control waves, curls and bobbed hair.

In addition to philanthropic works done in her lifetime, Madam Walker arranged her estate in such a way that a large portion of the profits from the business she left should always be used in advancing education, religion and charity among her people.
They are not only the finest toilet articles that have been developed especially for the colored race-and by one of our own race-but every time you buy them, you are advancing your race. Every time you buy a package of Madam Walker's products, you help you race. For, by Madam Walker's will, a large portion of the profits from her business goes to colored schools, churches, hospitals, orphanages, old people's homes, etc.

in Quality
None Genuine Without [[Image]] This Signature
Mme. CJ. Walker

Sold by Good Druggists and Walker Agents Everywhere 


Transcription Notes:
[[images: portraits of the individuals whose names and biographies are captioned underneath]]