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[[Top of left page]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 MARCH 13 FRIDAY Rainy. I went to school. Mr. + Mrs. Weiz came for supper + brought us a blooming pink [[strikethrough]] azalya [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] azalea [[/strikethrough]] azalea!!!! There was a blackout from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 so we turned off all the lights, blacked out the kitchen with blankets so we could turn the lights on, and stayed in the living room with a fire in the fireplace + curtains pulled down. We had a good supper— good meat especially. I had my piano lesson ( I was good) from 5 to 6pm. (got there at 5, got home at 6) "What signifies sadness; a man grows lean upon it"—MACKENZIE [[Top of right page]] MOVIE $-$ DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[left margin]] The movie cost 40¢. I now have $.35¢ in my saving money [[/left margin]] Cloudy + Rainy. After working part of the morning (I started singing again, piano practicing 1 1/2 hr. + homework—war poster ↓ [[image of poster]] DON'T HOARD The US needs all we can spare [[/image of poster]] [right margin]] ← hoarding hats ← All printed evenly (of course) [[/right margin]] ↑Sugar on it + other [[logs?]] [[Left margin]] I cut out a lot of pictures for the scrap book I am going to get. [[/Left margin]] I went to the movies at the Arlington Theatre (at Columbia Pike—1 block from our school—T.J.) with Dolores + saw "Seargant York" starring Gary Cooper. It was about a mountain boy who was made to join the army in the last war it was a great hero. It was good. I saw it almost twice. I There was news review + [[Right margin]] a detective story starring Jack Holt too. [[/Right margin]] "No sword bites so fiercely as an evil tongue"—SIR P. SIDNEY