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[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]


Fair. Went to school. In the auditorium I got stage fright and forgot how to spell "heroes". I didn't go down first but almost first. I feel awful about it. Contest didn't finish today - lasted 1st & 2nd periods. The 7th, 8th & 9th grade had 3 special contests. 2 were from from each part but us  - 4 were left to finish tomorrow - Louise Benson, (in my homeroom) Marion Hormel, (in my 1st 2 periods & goes with Barbara Banks) Sarah ([[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough] in my gym class), and Mildred Bushing (not in any of my classes but slightly fat.)

[[footnote]] "There can be no economy where there is no efficiency" -BEACONSFIELD [[/footnote]]

[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]

[[strikethrough]] I went to school. [[strikethrough]] 
[[/strikethrough]] Rainy. I had my piano lesson. Gasoline rationing starts today. There 5 kinds of rationing cards:
A = 3 gal. per week (no driving to work.)
B1 = 4 gal. per week
B2 = 5 gal. per week - we get. *
B3 = 9 gal per week
X = unlimited purchase.

I started a floor plan (1/8" = 1 ft.) of my dream house to be.
The winners of the spelling contest (contest was finished today) were: Mildred Bushing & Sarah

*Dad only drives 1 week per month - he rides with 9 other men. So we can go to beach

[[footnote]] "The true measure of life is not length, but honesty" -JOHN LYLY [[/footnote//