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[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]


Fair. I went to school. I got out at 2: [[strikethrough]] 45 [[/strikethrough]] 50 + took my piano lesson. I did [[strikethrough]] [[wer??]] [[/strikethrough]] very well. (don't have much for next weeks - next lesson is 17th) [[strikethrough]] it I [[/strikethrough]] Mother + I + Bobby Williams (I invited her) went to the recital (at 7:45) + stayed til (10:30) (got home at 11:30) I played awful - forgot my notes I was so scared. Everybody laughed. I guess I was the one (out of 47 players) who relieved the hot, very bored audience of mothers + fathers. After that we all had strawberry sodas at a drug store. I wore my blue + white Easter dress + new pumps they [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] hurt my feet 1st time I wore them.

[[footnote]] "Adversity is the first path to truth" -BYRON [[/footnote]]

[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]

[[top right margin]] Jergens Lotion!!!+ [[/top right margin]]


Fair. I worked all morning. I sent for a free bottle of Jergens Hand Lotion (purse size) to
The Andrew Jergens Co.
Box 3026
Cincinnati, Ohio
I cleaned out my desk. I am going to give art lessons (beginning today) to Joan Douglas (10), Bobbie Williamis (11), Peggy Reinhard (10) and Virginia Marks (11). They signed up yesterday. I have crayons, chalk, etc. (50 cents per week per person) In the afternoon I had my singing lesson + gave my 1st art class. [[strikethrough]] Sung [[/strikethrough]] all were there. They begin paying next lesson.

[[footnote]] "Gold is tried by fired, brave men by adversity" -SENECA [[/footnote]]