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Rainy. I had an art class in the afternoon. Everybody was there but Peggy - she was away. In the morning I went downtown & shopped with mother. I got 2 pairs of shoes- 1 red pair of sandels (size 7)& 1 pair of brown girl scout shoes (size 8 1/2) for next year.  I got a red and white dotted swiss cotton dress (size 14) + mother got one only  blue (size 16)

[drawing of dress] embroidery red (on mine)[[collar]] + blue (on ma's) on white collar, belt ties in back, pockets with embroidery like collar, real pretty (cost $1.79) , the shoes + white socks match beautifully.

[[Quote]]" Every artist was first an amateur"--EMERSON


We picked some thimble berries on the way home.

Fair. I wanted to have Dolores and Bobby go to plum point with us but neither could. I went + swam twice - once a way down the beach + once just me by the wharf.  I didn't have anyone to go around with & was lonely but the water was fine with no sea nettles. On the way home we stopped at Randal Cliffs + caught 3 shrimps for my sea anemone aquarium. I have 1 shrimp - he eats pieces of meat + worm. At Plum Point I got some eel grass for sea anemones too. On the way home we stopped at Upper Malbaro + Dad found a little black kitten in the woods somebody had left him there, to die. We took him home. (at U. M. dad gets fossils) He will take him to the Animal Rescue League + kill him if I don't give him away. We stopped at Mr. Lidestrom's on the way home
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he is a Swede - his wife is French. He is 78 [[strikethrough]]about [[/strikethrough]] she is 60.

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We picked some thimble berries on the way home.
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I wear shorts all the time now. 
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[[Quote]] "Beauty is the purgation of superfluites"-MICHELANGELO