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Deskaide * The Silent Secretary * 1942 July 27 Monday I cleaned off the bike. [[crossed out]] Fair [[/crossed out]] Rainy. I got my allowance - 15¢. I have (had $8.87) $9.02 now. In the morning I did German, [[crossed out]] went to store etc. [[/crossed out]] 8.87 + .15 = 9.02 Made lunch for Grandma (Mother went to Boston for the day) Made a good blueberry pie (thin good crust - ate some at lunch) + called Mabel to see if she [[strikethrough]] coulld [[/strikethrough]] could go to the dentist with me at 3:00 P.M. for my 1st appointment. I finished chapter XI in German. nine more to do in 40 more days. - 4 days to a lesson. My green comb broke in 2 pieces. I got one more Jergen's coupon - 7 now. She went with me to the dentist's Dr. Kenny - I don't like him - he is too pessimistic - he drilled a little on a bad one (7 in all!! [[?]] + it hurt so he put some stuff on it + I left !? He was supposed to do 3 today! He set another appointment (one tomorrow at 3:00) for Thurs - at 10:30 A.M. [[Strikethrough]] ? some [[/strikethrough]] [[footnote]] "Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand"-George Elliot [[/footnote]] [[bottom margin]] I got an icecream afterwards- Mabel got 2 cones, me 1, she is too wasteful [[/bottom margin]] [[right page]] DESKAIDE | THE SILENT SECRETARY | 1942 JULY 28 TUESDAY I cut out another Jergen's - have 8 now Cloudy + rainy early. Fair, in the morning Amy (mother's girlhood friend) came over + mother continued in a picture (oils) of her (she has done a nice one of Grandma this summer too- about 1 wk's work). In the afternoon at 3:00 I went to dentist. (I thought it was 3, it was only 2 when I got there- hour hand fast) stripes O.K.) I called Mother, looked in dime store + got 2 white belts one for mother, one for me. M's was plain, mine had cuts [[drawing of the belt]] Then I went to d's [[dentist]] office + read magazines - Mabel came in soon + read with me. Then came my turn. He filled 2 teeth - took from 3:45 (at least) to 5 or 4:50. It hurt quiet a bit so he put some drug in. it still hurt but not as much - deep cavities - I didn't think they would be - neither did Vir. [[Virginia]] dentist. The drug made the side of my lip very numb for more than an hour. [[footnote]] "Good cheer is not hindrance to a good life"-ARISTIPPUS [[/footnote]] [[bottom margin]] (left side tooth was upper left, - 2 teeth from big front ones. [[bottom margin]] [[left margin]] [[?]] ice cream (5¢) plum royale (Mabel had 10¢ one) + went home each our own way. [[left margin]] [[Top margin]] I am reading "The Last of the Mohicans" - good. The librarian is [[/top margin]] [[right margin]] reserving (as soon as it comes in) "Out of The Night" by Jan Valtin- horror experiences in a German concentration camp - true [[/right margin]]