Viewing page 120 of 201

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Fair + cool at last! I got a letter
from Dolores in the afternoon + wrote
a letter to her to be mailed tomorrow,
In the morning I worked, did
German, helped mother finish 
painting Dad's little house needs a little hollow 
painting - white +
went to Mabel's where we loafed,
[[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] her mother took us to store
(at library- "Out of the Night" wasn't 
turned in yet), groceried some,
+ was driven home with some
of her mother's apples ( windfalls but 
good// for pies, etc. (small). We 
had an icecream- I treated her.
Dad starts up tonight on the
Pullman (overnight - gets there
about 9:00 A.M tomorrow)with
the cat (I pity him -both of them)

"The perfection of art is to conceal art"-QUINTILIAN

Fair + hot. In the morning I went
to the store (got a CHICKEN for
tomorrow (I'm allergic to eggs)) +
came home + fixed up Dad's little
house - scraped paint off windows,
washed them + swept + put flowers  
in. Then Dad arrived at about
10:30 in a Taxi with a big suitcase
[[?]] [[?]]'s cat for containing
Paddy paws, (7 front toes [[good guess??]] + 8 yrs
Boy was Dad + Cat glad to get
home. He is missing some of his
Spanish class + his book
"Floras of the World" -336pg-
took at least 5 yrs was published
finally (took 2 yrs to published) 2 days before he came up) was 
he glad. He bought home 2 cans of 
my white corn - [[?]] tomorrow
+ 5 or 6 of our nice yellow peaches (off 
back yard tree - first time) as
I went out to change Bun Bun
cage- I saw a tiny rabbit (about
6''long) + mother caught him.
"Censure yourself for base acts, rejoice in the godly."-PYTHAGORAS
[[margin notes]]
I keep him!! He is awfully cute
runs as far as a grown one + is he cute when he washes his face 

in him- fur off on left hind legs + [[?]] some so she
[[/margin notes]] 

Transcription Notes:
- The margin notes on the left were cut off and its hard to read them -The notes on the top and across the calendar are hard to read so I did not finish the margin notes on the top.