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[[August 1942 | September 1942 | October 1942 Calendars]]

After the pond both my ears stuffed up the [[illegible - spilled ink]] of the day!!
To DAY is the Birthday of _______
Fair & hot. In the morning I made a pie & 3 tarts. (1 Crust) & read & packed. In the afternoon I went to Mabel, hoping to go to the pond for the last time. She didn't feel like going but I persuaded her so we got there about 2:30. We went in twice & since I had no icecream yesterday & same other day, I treated Mabel to a 5¢ & 10¢ cone & I had same - very good. Then, when we were near the end of the Parkway, 2 boys (about 15, 19) came along on foot & wanted a ride. We went slow & wondered & finally picked them up & rode them to big hill, walked up it & they rode us to their home on [[?]] way about a  block (not really - there were no blocks but about that far) from the Stoughton-Avon line. Mabel rode a talkative black haired & me a silent yellow. They were ok [[continues onto to right margin]]

[[Right Margin]]
Then we rode home fast & were late.
[[/Right Margin]]

[[Left Margin]]
We leave Thursday.
[[/Left Margin]]

[[top margin, upside down]]
I had a wonderful supper - nothing but strawberry shortcake!
[[/top margin, upside down]]

"Contentment gives a crown, where fortune hath denied it"--FORD



[[August 1942 | September 1942 | October 1942 Calendars]]

To DAY is the Birthday of _______
Fair & very hot - perfect for pond which 
closes today. Aw Heck. In the morning Mabel came over & we went on a ride towards the pond & stopped (accidently on purpose) right across from the house those two boys were staying at. They soon discovered our bikes & we came out of the field & [[crossed out]]fooled[[/crossed out]] sat around & talked with them - very nice boys - went down to a spring & they asked us to come down in the afternoon to get cranberries in a nearby bog. Their names are Phil (dark haired - from Maryland near Annapolis) & Dick (light- from here, staying with relatives at the house there - Mr. Mullen's on Central St, Avon. Then we went home & ate & at 2:00 I took my bike to the station (locked on basket, removed bell) to be [[crossed out]shipp[[/crossed out]] taken on train back home free - personal baggage. Mabel & I were planning to get [[cont in right margin]]

[[right margin]] 
on her bike & ride over to the boy's place but Mabel [[cont in top margin]]
[[/right margin]]

[[top margin, upside down]] had to go to Boston (OH Heck) 
I stopped by to see Isabelle & Mary but they were in town. may see tonight. after phoning Patty Martin & Lorraine D.[[continued in left margin]]
[[/top margin, upside down]]

[[left margin]] yet (I went to town with) came for a short time- was at Helen Bullock's so they came there. Mabel didn't get home in time to [[continued in bottom margin]]
[[/left margin]] 

[[bottom margin]] see me. I waited in bed, though.
[[/bottom margin]]

[[Quote]] "Want of desire is the greatest riches" - VIGEE

Transcription Notes:
the left margin notes are pretty hard to read so much of it is left out.