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[Left page] Deskaide * The Secret Secretary * 1942 Went Home [?] September 3 Thursday I put up my hair last night & it is as curly as when I got my [[right margin going upwards]] permanent [[/right margin]] [[top margin upside down]] permanent - only turned under instead of over. [[/top margin]] Fair. In the morning we got up at 5:00. I got the [[strikethrough]] bus[[/strikethrough]] train at 7:30 (rode to bus in taxi - I had bunny ("Snooks") in a [[oatmeal?]] box) [[image]] <- cross section = string + Mother's paint box (quite heavy) in one hand + my overstuffed heavy suitcase in the other. Mother had her heavy suitcase in one hand + a bag (shopping with lunch, etc) under her arm + the cat (in a heavy cat-box). At [[crossed out]] Mattapan [[crossed out]] We changed trains at Canton junction + at Boston waited til 9:00 for train all the way to Washington. We were supposed to get there at 6:30 but we got there at 7:15 + dad picked us up + took us home. I am glad to get home but things were just getting good at Stoughton (no German, to pond, meeting 2 girls + the two boys etc.). The cat didn't like his journey. Rabbit + cat are O.K. I unpacked completely when I got home - ate a snack + went to bed at 9:15. [[right page]] September 4 Friday Fair. In the morning I dusted, cleaned out the aquariums, etc, put 2 in basement for Eddie's 2 goldfish died! Mother is sad, for Hugo loved them. 2 catfish died [[crossed out]] when I cleaned out all aqu [[/crossed out]]- 2 left. + a bunch of snails + water plant. I fed all, too. I cleaned out guppy - only 4 fish left (Darn dad, cares only for fossils, didn't feed poor things for days, I bet) - 1 large female guppy, 1 small female guppy, 1 mosquito fish + my pretty black darter. I put in small (Eddie's aquarium). In this enormous aquarium lots of plants, some snails + 5 medium sized sheepsheads, tiny one, + 2 medium sized mummychugs were - 1 died + 1 tiny one. About 2 snails left over- not in any aquarium - sell for 5ยข apiece in pet shop. Then late lunch. In the afternoon I waited for Bobby to come home, played with her. Dolores came over in the evening + I went to store with her. [[Footnote]] "The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it" - BOVEE [[left margin going upwards]] She has a nice $6.50 permanent & a cute suit - no braces for [[/left margin]] [[top margin]] The bunny got out in the evening + we can't find him!! Dad goes to work at 8:00, gets home at 8:30 - the Spanish still. School (Grammar) started Monday. Washington Lee (W+L) (where Dolores is going) [[/top margin]] [[right margin going down]] started yesterday. My school in Washington (Western) [[/right margin [[bottom margin upside down]] starts the 21 [[/bottom margin]]
Transcription Notes:
the writing in top margin is tricky because different portions cross through other portions