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Fair & cold.  I went to school.  A boy held my books on the bus, it was so crowded I fell around. I met Bain Lightfoot's sister when I got off the bus & walked to school with her. She goes to Western too. Then I went to my classes - piles of homework - in all subjects except gym - in which we got lockers.  I got 2 girl friends & shared a locker with them (25 cents for each of us - 75 cents in all for a large, green (as big as my own locker, which I got this morning - key 409) which is wide enough to hang a coat in & very deep & tall).  Locker full of holes with a combination lock it took a long time to learn) - the two girls were Alice Goodrich (262), Lois, mine.  Our locker no. is 144, our combination 38-29-11. After school I met Rita & went to bus stop with her.  We plan to see each other at home.  Then I settled down to homework at home, [[right margin]] worked all evening [[and it  [[?]].[[/right margin]]  
[[Top margin]] In the evening I went over to Dolores & played
[[Top of page upside down]] When Carolyn came over & traded 3 tiny Jergens lotion bottles for 1 large bottle of Colonial perfume & 1 half filled 
[[top margin]] of [[ink-stained paper making words illegible]] [[/top margin]]

[[Footnote]] "Brevity is a great charm of eloquence"--CICERO


I took my cute powder dispenser to school.

Fair & somewhat milder. I went to school. I am much better in Latin & German, however, I don't know many of words in vocabularies & in Latin too, & I guess I won't change my Latin teacher (I was going to get another teacher for I don't like this one). I didn't have much homework. I saw Calva Kephart.   Rita helped me with my German homework.  (from Belgium she knows French, German & Dutch). In the afternoon when I got home I changed the rabbit's cage, did homework, ate, etc. [[arrow from word "German"]] however, I didn't know [[strikethrough]] hardly [[/strikethrough]] many of words in vocabulary & in Latin too. In the evening I went over to Dolores's & she wanted me to go out with her but (GRR-R) Mother wouldn't let me (it was til 9:00) because I have to go to bed early (I always go to bed at 9:00). I can never go out. It isn't fair. Nobody goes to bed so early or never goes out.  

[[Footnote]] "Eloquence is logic on fire"--LYMAN BEECHER