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$$ ++ WOODBURY      TOM MIX !!


Rainy. I had a restless night (1:45 again!) + my leg is better (doesn't ache so much but swelling is about same. Ma called Dr. Roland. don't worry he said). I did German (Chapter 5) all morning. I got a Woodbury sample cream tube (supposed to get 2) ++. I will trade it with Carolyn for something. I sent for it Sept. 9. Sent for a Tom Mix comic book (to see if [[strikethorough]] samples. we [[/strikethrough]] free things were good- tells in comic book) with 1 box top (Ralston- used to be seals.) I did German + Latin all afternoon. Grr. I got my allowance - 15¢. I had [[strikethrough]] $1.70 [[/strikethrough]] $1.49 I have [[strikethrough]] $1.95 [[/strikethrough]] $1.64 now.

[[quote]] "Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes" FROUDE" - 

[[right page]]

Fair. I went to school. I had a lot of homework + my leg ached quite a bit. I failed a German test- they were only to Chapter 3 + I had forgotten it (at Chapt. 5) I didn't know a lot of words. Grr. I had to take 2 buses + a streetcar down (20¢- 1 transfer + 2 buses back because I couldn't walk it. A Jergens free purse size bottle came - I have 6 now. Dolores came over in the evening. All my teachers are very nice except for my horrible temporary German teacher.

[[quote]] "The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands" FRANKLIN

Transcription Notes:
Dr. Roland [?]