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My gym teacher is Miss Angll
Fair. I stayed in bed til almost noon did Gym homework (Anatomy & Phisiology, etc.). Then I dressed & ate a little lunch. (I ate a tiny bit of breakfast.) I walked around some. My leg is almost well - swelling almost gone but still won't bend hardly any [[image of leg]] about that much & before [[image of leg]] The bandage & [[strikethrough]] purple stuff (gentian violet) are still on. (Don't tell anybody, but I haven't been able to take a complete bath for almost 2 weeks!) [[strikethrough]] Nobody came over. 

Fair & mild. In the morning, I did German. In the afternoon I did Gym & played with Dolores & Jean & Bobbie. I bought (Mother's $1) $1.00 worth of Christmas cards (50 cute ones) from Carolyn. She is selling them for Campfire Girls, which she belongs to.