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DESKAIDE THE SILENT SECRETARY 1942 OCTOBER 15 THURSDAY Rainy. I went to school as usual. I got 100% in a Gym spelling test. I will make up the gym test next Wed. - 3:30 - 4:00. I got 2 black hatbands (elastic) thats all Mother & I could find, restrung my pretty ivory-like carved pink, blue & ivory bracelet 9 pieces. I didn't have much homework. I planted 5 or 6 seeds from the pepper seeds Helen Bullock gave me in the cracked (but held together by rubber bands) flower pot & covered with wax paper & put on back porch - I hope it grows. We had a dental examination - whole school - didn't tell anybody what was wrong with them - I know I have several cavities. [[Footnote]] "It is the will, and not the gift that makes the giver"--LESSING [[Footnote]] 3 JERGENS SENT FOR OCTOBER 16 FRIDAY Rainy. I sent for 3 Jergens - from Dolores's magazines - I addressed one to her so she will get it about the time I get mine - to keep. I went to school as usual. I didn't have much homework. I went over to see Dolores & on way back stopped at Mrs. [[Gail Noble's[?]] & she wrote Dolores & [[strikethrough]] me down to call for taking care of her 2 children - Richard (8 mos., Billy 2 or 3 yrs.) I took care of them once before. Dolores will be glad when I tell her. There is going to be a flood!! [[Footnote]] "Be not merely good; be good for something"--THOREAU