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October 21 Wednesday

Rainy, cleared up, rainy cleared up.  I went to school.  First period (Latin) we had an aptitude (I.Q.) test. Out of 75 question (similar to easy ones on quizzes) I got about 65 right (couldn't do 8). I didn't have much homework. At 3:30 everyone who failed or was absent made up the Gym test. Gym is in room 56M Leo. & Thos. now- Miss Angle, teacher - Latin teacher (164) is Miss Mary Bass, German (220), Miss Nellie Bass.(sisters, but don't look alike).  All teachers are gray or white haired.  I got an offer from a girl (Dottie Morrisson) for 2 of my paper beak necklaces - [[?] each.  In the evening Mother & Dad went out - Dolores stayed til 8:15 & I got Bobby to come with us so she could walk home with me.  (Dolores & I were scared to go alone)  We found at Dolores's that she had left something at my  [[Right margin}} go back for it.  When I {?]] scary & couldn't get to sleep til about 10:00 when Mother & Dad came home.

[[Footnote]]  "Everyone can master a grief but he that hath it"--SHAKESPEARE


Fair.  I went to school as usual.  Rita Rosenfelt and I are planning to go town Saturday to show her around Washington - she has never seen it before.  We plan to have Dolores come too.  I gave Dottie the 2 necklaces but she had forgotten the money.

[[FOOTNOTE]]  "The mind of guilt is full of scorpions"--SHAKESPEARE