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[[Date on page]]
October 25 Sunday

Fair. I went to School - Sunday 
with Bobby & stayed for church. 
(11-12) & walked home with
Dolores. In the afternoon Carolyn
came over & we played monopoly
(she brought her game over - I love
to play it) until she had to go
home at 4:00 when Dolores came
over. We made a few paper beads,
then we walked to store & she got
us each an ice cream. Then we
went to our homes for supper.
I did homework, listened to radio, &
went to bed at 9:00.

[[Footnote]] "In all things it is better to hope than to despair"--GOETHE

[[Right Page]]
[[October 26, 1942]]

Rainy. I went to school - very wet.
I had so much homework. I worked
from when I got home to 8:00!!
I got my allowance - 15 [[cents]]. I had
$1.94 & bought a 5 [[cents]] notebook Sat. - had
then $1.89. Add 15 [[cents]] to it - I have $2.04
now!! Mother got [[honeyeden?]] curtains
(drapes) for the two windows in 
living room (together) & 2 groups
(2 windows in each) of windows
- in tan with red, dark brown and
yellow markings. We got out the
pretty (9' by 6') rug (winter) 

[[Footnote]] "The street is full of humiliations to the proud"-- EMERSON