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[[left page]]
[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]
Bananas! Halloween.
October 31 Saturday 
Fair. Mother & Dad left early. I did homework, fed animals, cared for furnace at regular intervals (8:00 AM, 4:00 PM, and 8:00 P.M.) & tidied up house. In the afternoon  Bobby, Dolores & I walked to Clarendon. Bobby & I got groceries on the way back - Dolores had to get a new suit for her little (very) brother. He wears size 4! I weighed myself & I have lost. Once I weighed 117 with only bathing suit on, now 117 with dress shoes, etc. which together must weigh 3 or 2 lbs! When I got home I did work around. In the evening I didn't eat much supper & Carolyn came at 7:00 &     
[[?]] I got some [[underlined]]bananas[[/underlined]] first time I've seen them for a month (can't ship them) & we got Dolores & went for handouts. We found that Mrs. Anderson (nice) had just had a baby so we gave her a big bowl of mine filled with apples, candy for when she got [[?]] [[to right margin]]   

[[left margin]]
Then we went to Dolores's & Dolores's mother wanted us to stay with her til father came back from somewhere at 9:30. Then we 
[[left margin]]

went to my house & went to bed - together in sleeping porch. We couldn't sleep til 12:00!!!
Rained in morning.
[[right margin]]
[[right margin]]

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[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]
Fair. We woke up at 5:30, got up at 7:00, took a shower, made a good breakfast, & went to Sunday-school. Then we went to Dolores's & I decided to eat at home. Dolores came oer with me. I had a meat ball & milk & Dolores gave me a lesson in tyeping - just as she learned it- fun. You don't look at the keys at all! After she left, Carolyn came over & read my magazines while I washed my nightie & socks, ironed a table cloth & a shirt (she helped me with it) Then we made some rich vanilla ice cream- using a pile of cream & some pecans.(freezed in Frigidare), saved for Dolores & swept, cleaned rugs, fed everything & worked until about 4:00 when I played with Bobby & washed my hair. Ann and Mary Ellen('s sisters) were very much nuisance. A man (I didn't know, but it was Mr. Allard) called & called himself "John Jones". Mother and Dad got home soon. I had whole meal(meat(veal)balls, baked beans, soup, salad, icecream-too rich 
[[right margin]] we couldn't - eat[[crossed-out]] eat all of it - saved for Dolores.

Transcription Notes:
There is some writing on the right margin of the first page but it is illegible. The location where the author, Bobby, and Dolores went is not clear. The best guess would be Clarendon(?). That location is mentioned two more times through arrows being drawn to indicate where the location would be written in the sentence. For the symbol that most likely indicates "and", a "&" was used.