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Fair. I went to school as usual. Since I don't start until 8:20 now I finished my pretty green + red bead necklace + wore it to school - 24 large green beads, [[strikethrough]] 23 [[/strikethrough]] 25 thrice as small red ones. I had some bare string so it reached almost to waist- very pretty I think. I had a lot of homework- pages to read in "Bambi" (in German) + 2 pages to do in Latin review- horrible- about 25 hard sentences to do in Latin, about 6 verbs to give synopsis of, + rules of plenty else. Whew.  I saw Dolores in the evening + worked all evening on German (didn't finish)

[[Footnote]] “Peace is the happy, natural state of man” - Thomson

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Deskaide The Silent Secretary 1942


After supper I cleaned out my desk & book case & put a lot of stuff in a box
Fair & quite cold. I got up early, upstairs finished German (I had to write summary of preceding chapters to chapter 6) Took about a page in German-Whew) I did my singing & piano & mother went down town in the morning. She takes art at Cocoran Art Gallery, etc. while I did Latin. I worked steadily til lunch & when she came home & then til after 3:00. Whew - all done. I got my allowance - 15¢. I had [[strikethrough]]. Then I went to see Mrs. Anderson’s [arrow to Mrs. Anderson] (she is very nice, young) baby (11 days old & cute red hair a tiny little girl - Karen) & she gave my [[strikethrough]] me back the plate I gave the fruit, etc. on & thanked me a lot. I tried to get a picture Eddy Graff’s (friend of poor ?Niego’s?) showing the island he is on in South Pacific in Aug. 24 of Life magazine there but she didn’t get it but Mrs. Grinoble next door gave me the whole magazine & a job to take care of her little 8 mos Richard & 2 yr old Billy - they slept all the time about 1 1/2 hours. I got 25¢!! I had $2.54 = $ 2.79 now!!

[[Footnote]]“The true university of these days is a collection of books“ - Carlyle