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FINGERNAIL POLISH MAKE DESKAIDE THE SILENT SECRETARY 1942 NOVEMBER 12 THURSDAY Fair. I stayed in the house all day as I have a little cold, except for riding to the store on my bike for bread. I worked on a new bead necklace - made of beads from magazine covers - half the width (1/2" instead of 1"( or 1 centimeter)) + the same length - cute little beads. Dolores came over for a little while in the evening. The finger nail polish I started Tue. evening is done + fine - light pink - clear. Made from 1 transparent toothbrush with red end soaked in amylacetate [[amyl acetate]] or plain fingernail polish remover - nice & smooth not quite as much shine however as usual polish. [[Footnote]] "He that lives to live forever, never fears dying"--PENN BEAD NECKLACE NOVEMBER 13 FRIDAY Fair. My cold I still have so I stayed in all day + didn't take my singing lesson in the evening. I made beads, radio, etc + let Snooks (rabbit) out in living room where he had a fine time hopping around - caught by chasing into the bathroom. I finished my small bead necklace [[necklace]] - longer than 59 bead ones (old ones - long beads) & polished it with some of the new polish I made. I started some polish from a green toothbrush. I also strung the rest of beads in the box - making for me 2 big bead necklaces, 2 of thick paper beads, 1 long tiny bead one (5 in all) + 6 to give away - 3 59 bead ones, 1 49 bead one, & 1 42 bead one. For Christmas- thats all I need. I hope to go to town tomorrow with Dolores!! - to dentist + movie afterwards. [[Footnote]] "Little things are great to little men" - Goldsmith