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[[top margin]] $$- THANKSGIVING - $$$$$ NEWS!! [[/top margin]]
[[image of calendars - Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21 1942 circled]]
November 26 Thursday

Fair & cool. In the morning I stayed home & did homework. Just before lunch Dolores came over and we raked about an hour on the lawn (Did other side. Then I ate luncha 9 1/2 lb turkey cost $5.22. Then, at about 2, we met & raked the back yard & a little more on the side & some of the huge lawn next door. We got $1 apiece for that lawn - worth it.  We are going to ask for much more for [[cross out]] fo [[/cross out]] the other lawn (it is tremendous - twice as big as other). I [[crossed out]] have [[/crossed out]] had $3.65 & have $4.65 now!! Dolores has $1.12. I decided to get all my allowance in advance 4 Mon. [[Mondays]] still Christmas. (Marked above 60¢ extra!! - I had $4.65 - have $5.25 now!! Enough for Christmas. News - Red (Russian) drive begins in Moscow area and close to Latvia, Nazis report
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[[word obscured by fold in page]] by Allies in North Africa. Tunisia Push [[held?]] Imminent.
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[[left margin]] Quite tired. [[/left margin]]

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[[top margin]] MOVIES NEWS $$ [[/top margin]]
Fair & cold. News!!++ - The French people did a brave thing against the Nazis - they sent every one of their 62 ships (while French fleet) to the bottom when the Germans prevented them from taking ships to Africa to help our Allies & us!! They fired at Nazi planes & even at each other to sink the ships - only a few men survived!! In the morning mother went down town & I stayed home & wrote some on Eng. theme, did practicing, fed things, etc.  [[crossed out]] After [[/crossed out]] Before lunch I went to see Dolores - her baby brother, John Cary, is sick - ear trouble & Dolores has a sore throat. But we decided to go to the movies tonight. After lunch I went to a house & raked part of the lawn - got 35¢. She didn't want me to do the rest - said it would cost her too much. I had $5.25 - have $5.60 now!! Then I went to see Dolores - she was embroidering - I would love to.
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After supper at 7:00 Dad took Dolores, Carroll (her 9 yr. old paralized ^
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[[top margin upside down]]
brother & I to movies. Wilson Theater in Clarendon & saw "Bambi" until 9:00. Mother wanted to come too but had a cold. We 3 got in (except Dad) for children's fare 17¢ apiece!! It was a technicolor cartoon - like by Walt Disney from the book "Bambi" by Felix Salten. Cute - very.
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