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[[top margin]] Found a pen [[/top margin]]

December 10 Thursday

Fair and cold. I went to school as usual. Latin test and Gym test. I did fairly in Gym test and got 100 in Latin test. After supper, I went over to see Dolores but she came over first then I went over there with Carolyn who came over. I found a pretty mottled pink and purple pen (fountain pen) on way home from school (in Georgtown.) It has glass covering part of ink tube showing how much ink you have. I will keep it. 

"Money is a good servant, but a poor master"--D. Bouhours

December 11 Friday

Fair and cold. I went to school as usual. Another Latin test but not much homework. This is the end of the 2nd advisary. 3 advisories in a semester. 2 semesters in school year. We get our report cards next Wed. After school went to my singing lesson-- rather husky I am, and came home. After supper I went over to see Dolores. I sold a box of Christmas cards for Mrs. Dice- gave 5¢ to Dolores. kept 5¢ - I have $2.91 for presents, 50¢ left over. Last Sat. mother bought 6 cans of black bean soup for Dad for Christmas-- hardly any left on market-- fairly a luxery [[luxury]] for 75¢ in all. So I decided to them a necktie to Dad. I had $2.91 for presents, have $2.16 left for presents-- have all Dad's presents now. [[strikethrough]] I spend [[/strikethrough]] I spent $1.14 on Dad.

"No man who needs a monument ever ought to have one"--Hawthorne