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[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]


Fair. I went to school as usual. After school I went to my singing lesson. After supper I took 4 Christmas presents to Dolores's + wrapped them while she wrapped hers - a small pink package for me. I wonder what!

[[footnote]] "It is better to be nobly remembered, then nobly born" -RUSKIN [[/footnote]]

[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]

Fair + a little cloudy. About 10:30 I went to Dolores's + Dad took us down town + dropped us - we walked a lot + I got all rest of my presents but 1 - for mother. We spent about 3 hours shopping. List clipped on. I got myself with my money a powder puff - sponge rubber you fill up + lasts filled for about a month. Then we came home. She got a few things. In the afternoon I wanted to go to Clarendon with Dolores to show her little brother Carsall the dime stores but Mother wouldn't let me go. So I figured out my Christmas list + wrapped presents. I have 77 cents in box - left over + 25 cents to spend on Mother left. I got all my Christmas cards ready too.

[[footnote]] "No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable" -L. E. LANDON [[/footnote]]