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in India. I don't know whoever put the picture out, what they was thinking about, about putting that picture out. But that's what they put out. And Russia--she wanted the [[strikethrough]]no[[/strikethrough]] scepter. America want it. And China want it and England want it. So over there in India, so the movie says, there was a man, a priest, says, a very young priest. He hadn't been long out there. For 1500 years they have been priestes keeping fire to that mountain because the tablestone that showed them the way into that mountain had been stolen. And they were keeping this fire, keeping it going, until someone could find that tablestone and bring it back there and put it in the place where it was broken from, so it would guide them, show them which way to go to go into that tomb. So some man down in--it says Shanghai, California-- It's a little place down there by that name? Well, that's what this movie says. There might not been. And this says Shanghai, California. And they say that's where this Fu Manchu lived. And also there was a professor down there, so the movie say, that had this tablestone that had been lost this 1500 years and they wanted it, this--and--so two detectives found out that Fu Manchu was going to try to get it and they went to this man's house and asked him to let them have it and carry it off and put it in safety. He said, "No, I've got it and no one don't know where it is." They say, ''Yes, but Fu Manchu is after it and he going get it.'' He said, "No, they won't." So while he was--while they was there talkin' with him, those Chinamans had already scaled the wall. One of them came there and opened the French door-- the window--and had one of those little blowguns