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MINNIE: My husband didn't know any better.  "Minnie, why?"  Until they got to the gate--  And I've sold lots and lots of them to people, not sell them to 'em, just as well give them to 'em. Now in Raleigh, I let a young man have one. I did not want that picture to go. And it was [[strikethrough]] it was [[/strikethrough]] he's in Wake Forest, and it was--


MRS STARR: How did you know about it?

MINNIE: I think I got it--the most of it--I or Louis thack[[?]] [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]], got it out of our Star News.  And you see what he says here--the--something about long life and a whole lot of-- See there? From China, somewhere up in there. I don't understand-- Tibet.  That look like from Tibet, don't it?

MRS STARR: Yes, it does.

MINNIE: Well, anyway, Louis wrote to this man, contact--

MRS STARR: Who was Louis? Who was Louis?

MINNIE: Louis Mack. And of course he's dead now and he couldn't say anything. He was doing very well until he started drinking, you understand, and, well-- And he lost a lot of her letters.  I had some but he got them and I kept them and he asked me to let him have them back and I never did get the letters from him any more.  But he wrote a letter to this man, wanting to know what had he did--done--with those paintings he sent to him. And the man--and they did not send him an answer. So, more than two and a half years--

MRS STARR: Now, wait a minute. You mean, you sent this man,