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u1     p.45




M.E. Yes some of them. A good bit of them stopped but most of those terrible dreams I had was when I was a child, small. My mother and grandmother didn't understand. I never slept. I never rested. I was just tormented and because I was just laying around half drowsy and half asleep they said I was lazy but I wasn't.

N.H.S. You say that stopped after you were married.

M.E. Yes, all that stopped all those terrible dreams stopped. I didn't have anymore of those but I would have some kind of a day vision. I would go to sleep in the day and some kind of a - . Oh, I don't know. I can't express it. Some kind of a vision, funny things, I can't express it and I can't see would take the advantage of me or something other and I would lay down after I would get through try to cook breakfast or something for my babies but I was laying down all day nearly bout. I couldn't get up. I couldn't do nothing. I couldn't. Well late in the afternoon seem like after the sun or the thing go down. Funny of it was it would lift up off me and then I could go and kind of work and kind of do. These pictures really in my early life made I don't know. It was something I had to do and I didn't understand it. If I could have started then