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June 21, 1972


M.E. I work in the afternoon and knock off at 2 o'clock in the morning in this weather. Maybe you believe it or not. My people don't care too much about me. They're jealous, you know.

N.H.S. Yes

M.E. That's right. They are a jealous people. Some of them they just can't speak. It's not my fault. God give me this and everyonce in awhile our paper is saying saying about me and (laughter) they figured out that look, my goodness. They got Miss Minnie in the paper again (laughter)...I haven't got her address. She sent me Christmas card this year.

N.H.S. Is that right?

there may be an omission here - The following refers to Mrs. F.E. Davis of Greensboro N.C., first cousin of Mrs. Kelly

M.E. I guess. She sent me a Christmas card.

N.H.S. This year? Did she send you a Christmas card this year?

M.E. I think. Yes she did and I had it last year.

N.H.S. She sent you a Christmas card this year? This year did she send you a Christmas card?

M.E. She lived in - I think yes. Yes she did but I don't know what I did with them but I can fix it a way for you to get her address.

N.H.S. Oh, isn't that lovely.

M.E. Elisha, her brother lives in New York (N.H.S. I see). Lives on St. Nicholas Ave. Right, you know where he lives (N.H.S. yes) James Lamb. I made you acquainted with him.

N.H.S. What? Did I? Did you?

M.E. That part of town is bad though.

N.H.S. That's the brother of the lady who is a designer? Is that the brother of the lady in Greensboro? (Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Ann Davis)

M.E. Yes, yes, that's the lady. He is her brother and I would like to get her address and she has a daughter in Brooklyn. 

N.H.S. Ooh! What's her name now? What's her married name?